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You may occasionally change the theme by changing the colors used in your presentation. However, the color combinations which didn't matched will actually mess things up. Know the following DoctorSlide easiest tricks will help you out!

If you decide to use soft color as the presentation background, make sure you always use a dark font color combination. Take a look on below picture that might give you clear explanation about how the combination should work well.

In the above slide example, which side font is more clearly visible to you? Surely the right one. Prioritize your audience on the backseat can easily read your presentation slides.

In the other hand, if you prefer the background color to be dark color (e.g. blue, black, etc), it is advisable to use a combination of contrasting font colors which is bright font color (e.g. white). The purpose of this contrasting color combination is to make it easier for your audience to read / understand the content you show in your presentation. Don't hurt your audiences' eyes simply because the color combination is not readable. Yes, it sounds simple but many people still making the same mistake. Be clear and concise as possible as you can!

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Disclaimer: this article originated written in Bahasa and being translated using Google Translate hence please understand if there's any mistake of tenses and/or misunderstanding that occurred. Thank you for reading!

Photo credits: Freepik and DoctorSlide courtesy

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